When you think about it, learning to read involves many tasks. I've listed 10 things that come to mind that a child must do in order to read :

1. The child must hear and be able to recognize the sounds that are spoken and determine the differences between the sounds. This is often referred to as the auditory perception and theauditory processing.

2. The child will need to recognize the different sizes, shapes, position and form of the 26 letters.

3. The child will need to have a sense of directionality and hold the book with the cover first andthe opening pages to the right. Directionality is also needed to read from left to right and fromtop to bottom.

4. The child will need to remember the sequence of the sounds and the syllables in the correctorder.

5. The child will need to learn that letters and combinations of letters are all associated withdifferent sounds in speech.

6. The child will need to learn that B and b are the same but P and b are different.

7. On top of all of this decoding, the child must also derive 'meaning' from the words read.

8. The child must use visual and auditory skills at the same time.

9. The child will need to simply remember the many rules of letters.

10. Th child must also understand the symbolic nature and meaning of grammar (capital letters, commas, exclamation marks, quotation marks etc.We should never take reading for granted, for many, these skills come slowly and with a great deal of difficulty. It is important to use a multi-sensory approach whenever possible, some memory training, tap into previous knowledge before moving forward and make it meaningful.